A simple website that has two separate systems: one for customers to order food, and one for admins to manage them. This project was made by a team of 5 people, and was done in a timespan of 1 month (2 weeks planning + 2 weeks implementing).
This project is being improved on a separate fork, which will be uploaded once finished.
- Menu filtering and searching on home page
- Quick and convenient ordering process (Choose Food -> Proceed to Checkout -> Place Order)
- Order without logging in
- Order tracking and auto-fill checkout forms for logged in users
- Optimized UX for customers: forms are contained in modals (pop-ups), users do not have to be redirected to different pages for these actions:
- Logging in, signing up
- Viewing Carts
- Food, User, Order management for Admins
- Authorization system prevents unauthorized access to certain pages
- Non-logged in users cannot access User and Admin pages
- Logged-in Users can access User pages, but not Admin pages
- Admins can only access Admin pages, the rest is restricted from access to prevent security risks
- Optimized UX for admins: CRUD actions are prompted using modals (pop-ups) instead of redirecting to specific pages